Friday, April 03, 2009

Tournament of n00bs (Day 2)

I faced off against Batman (I call him that because he one of the dynamic duo around the office). He opened with a mulligan while I, mana-shy after yesterday's "unthinkable scenario" disaster, decided to roll with the hand full of Lands and Obelisks (and only 1 Creature and 1 Artifact).

Thankfully this game I managed my B-R-G colour combo off the draw and was able to field a Sprouting Thrinax early. Luck was on my side (because it definitely wasn't with Batman today). He drew few Lands and wound up summoning only some smaller Creatures. Reluctant to give them up, he didn't block the Sprouting Thrinax (allowing me to cause 3 damage several times). I turned a Bant Panorama into a 4th Basic Land and tried Might of Alara on the Sprouting Thrinax. Batman countered that Instant with a Cancel but I got my regular 3 damage in anyway.

My shuffles today would prove better as I drew Exploding Border. It would only be a matter of time. My opponent continued to cut down on me as well since Sprouting Thrinax was still the only Creature on my side of the table. Soon I grew tired of waiting for him to kill it (so that I could Devour the resulting Saprolings with my Thorn-Thrash Viashino). Instead I played an Esper Battlemage to try messing with him.

But none of that mattered and the final turns came down to luck of the draw: would I draw something useless (like more Lands giving me mana-burn)? Or would I draw something else? I drew my second of two Exploding Borders. I won my second match bringing my win ratio in the round-robin up to 50%.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congrats on the win.
Yes youneed to the new Mazinger! I can't understand japanese or really make entirely whats going on.but it's crazy I'm happy what they did visually