Thursday, November 06, 2008

Soulstorm updated!

So I noticed two things tonight...

Firstly, my previous post was my 666th post on this blog.

Secondly, Dawn of War Soulstorm has finally been patched!
Yes, it's actually been out a couple of weeks now but tonight was the first time I happen to log in online to see the message in the online lobby. I mean really, at one point (about 2 months ago, I guess) I even stopped going to Relicnews (which by the way, turns out not to be an official Relic forum but a fan community who happens to be in very good standing with Relic). So anyway, go to Fileplanet and get the patch!

In fact, get both v1.1 and v1.2 because Relic mysteriously patched the patch almost right away within a few days of each other.

On a side note, hope you kept your original "Soulstorm.exe" file if you previously no-cd-hacked it because the patcher won't recognize the hacked version and will ask you to reinstall the game. No we'll need to rehack the damn thing after the patch installs. :-/

1 comment:

MrBabou said...

Or if you have loads of hard drive space, created a mounted image of the game disc on there... ;-)

So YAY, I might end up buying the thing after all, unless DoW2 comes out before. I'm currently playing the campaign of the original DoW.