Add into the mix that typical cold-cast porcelain statues in this genre run in the $200 range, and when the photos of their Iron Man offering were published and they looked an aweful lot like those... It didn't take long for me to think, "I ought to save some money."First came the various on-line vendors claiming that the MSRP would be $170... and that $150 would be their "special price to you." Then came it's appearance at a local comic book shop... which I missed (it was on a table but silly me, I forgot to ask how much it was). I even stopped at a competitor because often they're known for having somewhat better prices... not this time (they were asking over $220). But down the street...
When I asked about it, the "comic-book-guy" said, "$115" and before I had time to allow my jaw to drop, I answered, "I'll take it!" Now I was slightly worried when the UPC scanner rang up $900. Clearly, that was a mistake, but momentarily I just prayed that neither was comic-book-guy mistaken.
... and there he is, stading proud on the top of the middle cabinet :-D
Man, he looks so awesome!! He must weight a ton too. And it probably looks even better in person...
It does weigh a lot but it's weird. It is packed in a large solid foam case inside the retail box. But the whole box is no bigger than one for those 1/4 scale FREEing figures and did not seem to weigh much. It's only when you unpack it you really appreciate the heft...
It looks sweet!
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