Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy 8 Auditions End!!

It's official - the 8th generation of Morning Musume will be Mitsui Aika (I've been rooting for her since the beginning). I don't know if it was her braces making her face like that, but she had the cutest smile of the 8 finalists...

Anyway, here's the Sanspo News site's article (if you can read Japanese)

And the fan-sites are already popping up. They posted a clip from the weekly Hello!Morning show showing when the winner was announced and the rest of Morning Musume's reactions. They must've just finished filming an "Aruiteru" performance because they're in their goofy "marching" costumes and hats.

Anyway, a hearty good luck and "gan-ba-te" to Aika!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Power to the cute!