Tuesday, December 05, 2006

about clone strike

I still haven't been back to a comics shop since last week (I will go to a different one tonight on the way home). But if you read these two posts I found floating in the ether, you can sort of put two and two together...

In this post the guy says there was some f*ck up with the European branch of WotC - seems the general rule is you never reissue an out-of-print expansion, but then nobody stopped WotC Europe from doing it. This was back in April.

Then in this thread, somebody else in North America (besides myself) claims his local comics shop tells him there's a full-on reissue happening. If you ask me, I suspect WotC turned around and tried to cover up the mistake from WotC Europe and make the reissue an official release...

Personally, I feel the secondary market for these things is ridiculous. Some times it feels like I'm the only one who actually PLAYS with my Minis - which makes reading material like the "Ultimate Missions" supplements very frustrating when they make reference to playing pieces that I not only have but are also going for $50 on eBay apiece.

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