- Showed Napoleon where I normally park (and drove him home). I also
learned that day that Napoleon, like his namesake, is a freaking dance
machine. He has, as we say, DDR skillz. I didn't stick around long
enough to learn whether he also had nunchucku skillz.
- I watched Iron Eagle II... it hasn't aged well. But then, that movie
sucked to begin with.
- Played Metal Gear 3 and started straying from the FAQ. But when I went
back to check again, I realized I had been doing everything right after
all. I think I'm making decent progress. The story unfortunately has
devolved into the typical "go here to get this to get there" plot
twists. Oh well.
- Stopped at the comics shop (turned out it was the summer sale event).
Coincidentally, this was also the weekend I decided to place my order at
Amazon for a bunch of books I haven't been able to find. Already on my
credit card this month: my trip to Toronto and Mikuru bunny-girl. Walked
out of the store with the first "Death of Captain America" trade. I
spent a whole bunch of time chatting with the fellow at the counter
about Kamen Rider; a fun diversion.
- Made a stupid huge grocery run... but mostly stocked up on
non-perishables. Just to get that out of the way. I can always get fresh
fruits on a need-to-eat basis.
- Watched Wipe-Out (or as I call it: "American MXC"). I like that they
actually follow the contestants as they play through the game (whereas
MXC essentially cuts together as much wacky footage as possible to fill
- Got to the final chapter of 'War for Honor' ...finally. This is a big
step because, not only was it the longest instalment yet of the
"Honorverse" series, this means it's time for me to switch gears. I have
my Harry Potter movie marathon to refresh my memory, then get started on
'Half-Blood Prince.' Also on the backlog is jPod which Weirdguy loaned
me months ago...