Wednesday, September 28, 2011

While I've been waiting

So... just as we settled into Labour Day weekend, I received an email from THQ. It was the shipping confirmation for my long-awaited collector's edition of Space Marine on PS3. Little did I realize at the time, long-awaited was about to become even-longer-awaited.

So besides transferring to a new work-area, here's a list of all the things I've accomplished in my spare time NOT playing Space Marine.
  1. Enjoyed a nice reunion with some extended family including a trip back home, and a visit with my brother during the long weekend.
  2. Finished Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions on PS3.
  3. Met friends for a night of pool at Dooly's on Member-Mondays. Twice.
  4. Started and finished reading Star Wars "Allegiance" by Timothy Zahn.
  5. Hosted an edition of Bad-Video-Game-Movies night at my place for my buddies.
  6. Completed all challenges in "Dead or Alive Dimensions" on 3DS.
  7. Built a Lego Technic mobile crane model. Added the Power Functions kit.
  8. Played Anomaly Warzone Earth nearly to completion (boy does it get hard towards the end).
  9. Watched all 6 Star Wars films on blu-ray including a massive portion of the bonus features.
  10. Visited with friends for an impromptu birthday party.
  11. Watched "The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi." (Epic!)
  12. Attended a Toronto Maple Leafs @ Ottawa Senators pre-season game.
  13. Tonight I will begin a new gunpla kit I bought myself at the local specialty shop. It's the over-sized 1/48 scale RX-78 and it'll be awesome.
I just wish the Internet would stop talking about how freaking awesome Space Marine is... either that or I wish "Snail-Mail" didn't have to reaffirm how well-deserved its nickname was.

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